Taking a physician assistant (PA) course can be a practical choice. Learn the different reasons why you need to consider becoming a physician assistant by reading below.
1. Fewer Classroom Hours
As compared to doctors, physician assistants spend less time in the classroom. Doctors invest a hefty amount of money and time on training to become competent in diagnosing and treating patients whereas physician assistants spend less. Medical students need to take an undergraduate program for four years and another four years of study in an accredited medical school. In addition, aspiring doctors need three to seven years more on residency training. A physician assistant student must take four years of an undergraduate program, 25 months of physician assistant training program, and 12 months of clinical rotation. As you can see, physician assistant students can finish schooling and training half the time medical students take. Checking this guide by Medical Aid can help you learn more about PA school requirements.
2. Flexible Job
Choosing a physician assistant profession enables you to work at the level of care you’re comfortable providing. You’re able to enter the workforce after you obtain a master’s degree. This job provides you the flexibility to change your career whenever you want to. Aspiring specialized doctors need to concentrate in one area in clinical training after residency training. On the other hand, physician assistants are usually responsible to handle different types of patients, study patients’ history, carry out treatment plans, and assist doctors in any procedure or surgery. The core purpose of education for PAs is more on the practical side of things by enhancing essential skills to become well-rounded in various medical specializations. As a physician assistant, you can work with any field of medicine you prefer such as pediatrics, obstetrics, or oncology, among others. All you need is to work for a physician specializing in your preferred niche.
3. Collaboration And Team Effort
Physician assistants always have to work with physicians and other healthcare professionals, depicting collaboration and team effort. They work under the direct supervision of doctors while physicians have full responsibility for all clinical situations. If you’re the type of person who prefers to work with a team without the responsibility and burden of making the final decisions, then a physician assistant option would be great for you.
4. Make A Good Amount of Money
Doctors can only experience financial gains after long years of residency and specialization, and that’s when they also have a good client base. Once physician assistants are employed, their career would blossom and they’d have high referral rates. Their previous employers refer good PAs to their friend doctors, increasing the likelihood of consistent jobs and clienteles. The average physician assistant salary in the United States in 2021 is USD$109,940. On the other hand, the base salary for generalist physicians ranges from USD$183,926 to USD$237,657. While doctors earn higher than physician assistants, PAs spend less time schooling and more time enhancing their careers and enjoying the fruits of their hard work without so much stress and pressure.
5. Less Stress
Physician assistants are licensed medical practitioners who hold an advanced degree, being able to provide patient care for all ages in all primary care and specialty areas. They diagnose and treat common illnesses and work with minor procedures. On the other hand, doctors do the heavy work, which is way more stressful. Work-life balance for doctors is a thing of the past because it’s now replaced with negotiation, especially during this pandemic (Covid 19). If you prefer not to stay all day in the hospital to attend to emergencies, then having a PA career is more practical for you. Physician assistants have a regular schedule and more freedom because of the flexibility in their tasks.
There are different reasons to consider when becoming a physician assistant. Whether you want to make this job a stepping stone to reach a more advanced healthcare career or you simply want the flexibility the profession provides, it’s crucial to keep the above reasons in mind to be successful in this career. With a PA license, you can enjoy the tasks entailed in a medical career by being part of a team without the stress of making crucial decisions for the patient.